The G.O.A.T. — Greatest In His Authority

Is Jesus, the G.O.A.T., the Authority of Our Lives?

The phrase “Greatest of All Time” (GOAT) has become a popular way to describe the best in various fields. We often hear names like Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, and Tom Brady mentioned in the context of being the GOATs of their sports. But have you ever wondered where this concept began? More importantly, have you ever reflected on who the true GOAT is?

The people we celebrate as the greatest in our culture are usually distant from us—icons we admire from afar, but rarely if ever get to meet. Yet when we think of Jesus as the GOAT, the story shifts. Jesus, unlike anyone else, is completely accessible. He is approachable day or night, ready to listen, guide, comfort, and redeem. He is not just the Greatest of All Time; He is the ultimate Authority of life itself.

Jesus: The Greatest of ALL Time

When we say that Jesus is the GOAT, we mean that He is more than just a good teacher, a wise guide, or a compassionate friend. Jesus is the Redeemer of our souls, the Teacher of truth, the Listener of our deepest prayers, and the Guide through life’s uncertainties. But here’s the catch: while Jesus is all of these things, our relationship with Him depends on how important He is to us and how intentional we are about seeking Him.

Philippians 2:8-13 tells us that Jesus “humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross.” He surrendered fully to His Father’s will for our sake, showing us the ultimate example of what it means to place God as the true authority in life. In the same way, we are called to reflect on our own lives and ask: Who is the authority in my life?

Who Is the Authority in Your Life?

Have you ever stopped to consider who or what has the greatest influence over you? Maybe it’s your job, your schedule, your family, or even your own plans and desires. But have you ever asked yourself who should be the authority in your life? This is a crucial question because everything else in our lives will fall into place—or fall apart—depending on how we answer.

In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” This question is a turning point, not just for the disciples, but for each of us. Who do we say Jesus is? And more than that, does the way we live our lives reflect our answer?

If Jesus truly is the greatest—if He is the GOAT—then shouldn’t He be the one who directs our steps, shapes our priorities, and influences our decisions?

Living Under Jesus’ Authority

If we truly believe in Jesus, the next question is: Do we live as though He is the authority in our lives? It’s easy to say we trust Him, but do our actions show it? Do we surrender to Him in times of uncertainty, go to Him with our dilemmas, and listen for His guidance? Or do we lean on our own understanding, chasing after the next thing on our to-do list or solving problems in our own strength?

Surrendering to Jesus is not something that happens all at once. It’s a journey—a daily choice to submit different areas of our lives to Him bit by bit. One of the best ways to do this is by practicing spiritual disciplines like prayer, Scripture reading, and silence before God. These practices help us align our hearts and minds with Christ, reminding us that He is not just a distant figure but the very present, very real Authority of our lives.

Jesus is the GOAT. He is the Greatest of All Time in every sense, and He is willing and ready to be the authority of your life. The only question is: Will you let Him?

Life Group Questions

1. Who or what currently has the greatest influence or authority in your life? How do you see that influence shaping your decisions and priorities?

2. When Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15), how would you personally answer that question today? Does your life reflect that belief?

3. What are some practical ways we can intentionally build a deeper relationship with Jesus as the authority of our lives? What challenges might we face in doing this?

4. Have there been moments in your life when you surrendered control to Jesus? What was the outcome, and how did that impact your faith?

5. How could committing to a practice like 40 days of prayer help you grow in surrendering different areas of your life to Jesus? What specific areas do you feel led to focus on during this time?
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