The G.O.A.T. — Greatest in His Impact

Let me be honest with you from the start: today’s message isn’t just another sermon—it’s a heartfelt confession of what I truly want for you and from you. There are four specific things I hope you'll take away today, and while some of them might seem straightforward, they run much deeper than they appear. These are desires not just for you as individuals, but for us as a community.

First, I want you to attend church—not just occasionally, but every week. This isn’t about boosting our attendance numbers or filling more seats. It’s about being fully engaged in a community that shapes your faith and gives you strength. The church is not a checkbox for your week; it’s a spiritual home where you can grow, find support, and experience transformation. Being present here, week after week, allows God to work in ways that simply won’t happen when you attend sporadically.

Second, I want you to give your money to JWMC—yes, more than you might be giving right now. But before you tune me out, hear me: this isn’t about me getting a raise or padding the budget. It’s about funding the ministry of this church so we can continue to serve the community, support our staff, and expand into new areas of impact. Your generosity enables us to have the resources we need for outreach, technology, materials, and everything that helps us be a vital part of God’s work. It’s not about the money—it’s about what that money can do in the lives of others.

Third, I want you to grow in faith—and not just anywhere, but right here within the walls of this church. Getting involved in a JW Group, studying the Bible with others, and being part of an accountable community are key ways to foster spiritual growth. Life transformation doesn’t happen in isolation; it happens when we share our struggles and victories with each other. This church is designed to help you grow, not just by listening to a sermon, but by engaging in the deeper, ongoing work of spiritual development alongside others.

Finally, I want you to serve. I want you to take the gifts and talents you have and put them to work within this community. Whether you join a JW Team or find other ways to contribute, your service matters. When we serve together, we tap into something powerful—a sense of purpose that goes beyond ourselves and connects us to the greater mission of the church.

Now, I know some of you are probably thinking, "I’m already doing these things!" Maybe you are. But here’s my challenge: Are you fully committed to all four of these areas? Are you active in a JW Group? Are you serving on a JW Team? Are you giving more today than you were five years ago? Even if you’re already plugged in, there’s always room to grow and go deeper.

My life has been forever changed by stepping into a church—and continuing to step into it. Today, I want to explore why the church matters so much and why being fully connected is more important than ever. This isn’t about playing church; it’s about being transformed by the church. The truth is, the Christian community has spiritual power. It can shape your life in ways you never imagined, and that impact ripples out into the world.

The foundation of all this is Jesus—the Greatest of All Time. He is the greatest in His identity, His authority, His impact, His sacrifice, and His promises. John 1:14 says, "So the Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son."

Jesus, fully divine, chose to live among us. His greatness surpasses any athlete, politician, or world leader. And with His identity comes unparalleled authority. When Jesus spoke, people listened because there was weight to His words. As Matthew 7:28-29 says, "The crowds were amazed at His teaching, for He taught with real authority—quite unlike their teachers of religious law."

But Jesus’ greatness wasn’t just in His identity and authority—it was in His impact. His impact was seen through the community He established—the Church, the Body of Christ. Jesus knew that His influence would be as strong as His community of believers. He created a new kind of community, distinct from the world, bound together by the story of redemption and God’s grace. This community transcends social, racial, and economic divisions. It’s not a gathering of individuals; it’s a living, breathing, intentional community that reflects Jesus' love, mission, and kingdom.

We are called to be an earthly reflection of Jesus' greatness. As 1 Corinthians 12:27 reminds us, "All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it." We are called to engage with one another, grow together, and partner in the mission of being the light of the world.

Here’s the reality: A Christian can survive by attending occasionally or being loosely connected. But God doesn’t want us just to survive—He wants us to thrive. He designed the church to be a place where we are fully connected to His ongoing mission. We grow by studying the Bible, fostering spiritual growth beyond just listening, and serving together.

If you’re not already involved, here’s your next step: Get involved in a JW Group. We have Bible studies, Sunday classes, and Connect Groups. Or get involved in a JW Team—whether that’s serving as an usher, a greeter, or in guest services. Offer your skills and gifts to further the mission of this church.

The truth is, for JWMC to thrive, we need you—your involvement and your generosity. If you’re not getting what you want from this church, it’s time to do two things: Get involved and develop what you need, and give more. Stop holding back from God what He’s asking of you.

Think of the church like a greenhouse. A plant may grow in the wild, but in a greenhouse, the conditions are ideal. It's intentionally created for growth, where plants can thrive no matter what’s happening outside. The church is like a spiritual greenhouse, where you’re surrounded by the warmth of fellowship, nurtured by God’s Word, and watered by the Holy Spirit.

God wants you fully connected to His church because He knows the impact it can have—not just on you, but through you. Jesus knew His impact would be as strong as His community of believers. He’s not going to force you to do it, but He’s inviting you to step in, get connected, and be part of something that can transform your life and the lives of those around you.

Life Group Questions

1. Why do you think attending church regularly—rather than occasionally—can have a deeper impact on your spiritual life? How has regular attendance (or the lack of it) shaped your own faith journey?

2. How do you view the role of financial giving in your relationship with the church and God? What might be holding you back from giving more generously, and how could increased giving contribute to the mission of the church?

3. In what ways do you feel called to grow in your faith within this church community? How has being part of a small group or Bible study helped you foster spiritual accountability and growth?

4. How are you currently serving the church, and what impact has it had on you? Are there areas in the church’s ministries where you feel drawn to contribute more of your time and talents?

5. What does it mean for you personally to be fully connected to the Body of Christ? How can you take intentional steps to be more involved in the life, mission, and community of the church?
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