Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially since the day of His return is drawing near.
JW Men's Ministry

The John Wesley Men’s Ministry develops men in Christian living to make an eternal impact for this generation and those to come through weekly Bible study, quarterly gatherings, yearly retreats, service, and support of a variety of ministry events
throughout the year.
Weekly Groups
JW Groups are held at various times and places on campus throughout the week. Please contact us for the most up to date men’s, women’s or couples groups.
For more information about Sunday Morning Groups and Weekly Groups go to the events page or
email discipleship@jwchurch.org
throughout the year.
Weekly Groups
JW Groups are held at various times and places on campus throughout the week. Please contact us for the most up to date men’s, women’s or couples groups.
For more information about Sunday Morning Groups and Weekly Groups go to the events page or
email discipleship@jwchurch.org
JW Kids
JW Women's Ministry
JW Men's Ministry
JW Students
JW Savvy Seniors