D.L. Moody, an influential evangelist, once reflected at the end of his life, “If I had my life to live over again, I would spend 95% of my time preaching to the church.” This profound statement underlines his belief that equipping the church is essential for fulfilling its mission. But what exactly did he mean, and how does it resonate with us today?
Moody's words highlight the importance of preparing everyday saints to live with a kingdom purpose. His vision was to activate believers to intentionally connect people to Jesus, believing that such a focused approach could reach many more than any one individual could.
At John Wesley Methodist Church, we witness daily the transformative impact of this vision. The local church serves as an assembly of believers—a community poised to change the world through God’s love and restoration. We are all called to be world-changers, participating actively in God’s plan.
Yet, this calling comes with its challenges. The vast diversity of opinions on what needs changing can be overwhelming. How do we start? What should we focus on? This burden, over time, can lead to exhaustion and disillusionment, causing some to question their impact and success. To address these concerns, we introduce the Oikos Principle, which emphasizes the power of our immediate relational world—our oikos—to make a lasting impact. This principle aligns with the Great Commission, as seen in Matthew 28:18-20, where Jesus calls us to make disciples and teach them His ways.
A world-changer isn’t someone who must influence the entire globe but rather impacts their immediate circle—their family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. This relational approach to evangelism is both natural and effective, fostering a genuine connection and influence.
The Oikos Principle is deeply scriptural, demonstrated in Mark 5:18-20, where Jesus sends a healed man to his own oikos to share the mercy he received. This man’s testimony within his relational sphere was profoundly impactful, illustrating the power of personal witness. In practice, being oikos-centric means living intentionally within our relational circles and using our influence for God’s kingdom. This approach isn't about adding a burden but about recognizing the opportunities for evangelism and discipleship that naturally arise in our everyday interactions.
As we embrace the Oikos Principle, let’s rekindle our commitment to being everyday saints who are equipped, activated, and empowered to change the world. Let’s not be daunted by the scale of the task but be inspired by the scope of our influence. Together, we can continue to thrive and fulfill our God-given mission as part of the vibrant community at John Wesley Methodist Church. Let’s fire up the Oikos engine and see where God leads us!
This approach promises not only a revival in how we view our role in the church but also in how we impact the world, one relationship at a time.
Moody's words highlight the importance of preparing everyday saints to live with a kingdom purpose. His vision was to activate believers to intentionally connect people to Jesus, believing that such a focused approach could reach many more than any one individual could.
At John Wesley Methodist Church, we witness daily the transformative impact of this vision. The local church serves as an assembly of believers—a community poised to change the world through God’s love and restoration. We are all called to be world-changers, participating actively in God’s plan.
Yet, this calling comes with its challenges. The vast diversity of opinions on what needs changing can be overwhelming. How do we start? What should we focus on? This burden, over time, can lead to exhaustion and disillusionment, causing some to question their impact and success. To address these concerns, we introduce the Oikos Principle, which emphasizes the power of our immediate relational world—our oikos—to make a lasting impact. This principle aligns with the Great Commission, as seen in Matthew 28:18-20, where Jesus calls us to make disciples and teach them His ways.
A world-changer isn’t someone who must influence the entire globe but rather impacts their immediate circle—their family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. This relational approach to evangelism is both natural and effective, fostering a genuine connection and influence.
The Oikos Principle is deeply scriptural, demonstrated in Mark 5:18-20, where Jesus sends a healed man to his own oikos to share the mercy he received. This man’s testimony within his relational sphere was profoundly impactful, illustrating the power of personal witness. In practice, being oikos-centric means living intentionally within our relational circles and using our influence for God’s kingdom. This approach isn't about adding a burden but about recognizing the opportunities for evangelism and discipleship that naturally arise in our everyday interactions.
As we embrace the Oikos Principle, let’s rekindle our commitment to being everyday saints who are equipped, activated, and empowered to change the world. Let’s not be daunted by the scale of the task but be inspired by the scope of our influence. Together, we can continue to thrive and fulfill our God-given mission as part of the vibrant community at John Wesley Methodist Church. Let’s fire up the Oikos engine and see where God leads us!
This approach promises not only a revival in how we view our role in the church but also in how we impact the world, one relationship at a time.
Posted in Sermon Outline