Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially since the day of His return is drawing near.
Sunday Morning Groups
Sunday Morning Groups are held at various places on campus at 10:05 am. Gather together to connect to one another and grow as disciples together. JW Groups provide a place to connect with others, love each other, grow together, and encourage one another! Groups are open to anyone, and there is something for everyone! We encourage adults to try out a Sunday group to find the perfect, connecting fit. Visit the New Here, Start Here Kiosk in our Welcome Center this Sunday, and ask how you can get connected.
Weekly Groups
JW Groups are held at various times and places on campus throughout the week. Please contact us for the most up to date men’s, women’s or couples groups.
For more information about Sunday Morning Groups and Weekly Groups go to the events page or
email discipleship@jwchurch.org
For more information about Sunday Morning Groups and Weekly Groups go to the events page or
email discipleship@jwchurch.org

The John Wesley Men’s Ministry develops men in Christian living to make an eternal impact for this generation and those to come through weekly Bible study, quarterly gatherings, yearly retreats, service, and support of a variety of ministry events throughout the year.

Worship & Music
We invite you to make a joyful noise! From chancel and ensemble choirs to modern worship to bells, we have a robust music program for everyone who wants to participate. For more information on how to get involved with the Music & Fine Arts Ministry, call the church office and contact Steve Bayless, Director of Choirs or Adrianne Adams Diaz, Director of Worship.

The JW Women's Ministry is an accepting community of women committed to the Christian faith and open to opportunities of spiritual growth. Through Bible study, special events, mission projects, seasonal programs, MOM Co, and prayer, women of all ages within our community are encouraged to enrich their relationship with God and to reflect God's light to our community.