PRAYER FOCUS: “Pray that our living a life of unity, grace, and love for others will show and strengthen our platform which is based on God’s kingdom.”

PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Dan Chenoweth, Don Pine, Joe Owens.

You are invited every Wednesday to the Prayer Chapel at noon for MIDWEEK SERVICE.


Prayer Partners are available to pray with you in the Prayer Chapel after worship services.

Submit your confidential request by filling out the form below, and it will be lifted up by our prayer team.

GRIP (Generations Reaching In Prayer)
At GRIP (Generations Reaching In Prayer) we want to make all of us and 3rd generations start to behave more like Jesus.  Now that is a tall order but if we never start, we will never know just how wonderful it feels to be forgiven.  As we rest in the forgiving words of Jesus let’s bring all to the table of love, mercy and grace.  And it starts with us. Join us Thursday, September 5th,
from 10 am to 11 am in the Prayer Chapel, where we will be placing our focus on the act of forgiveness.

Caregiving is difficult. Don’t go it alone. If you are helping a loved one journey through the challenges of aging or chronic illness, please join us. Our group combines evidence-based educational elements with a supportive group atmosphere. Thursdays, 10:00 am - 11:30 am | Room A206. This group is free and open to the congregation and the community.

Prayer & Care Requests

Do you have a prayer request or question about one of our care ministries? Send us a message and we will get back with you soon.